Ich liebe es dich zu lieben... das schönste Gefühl auf Erden

Einmal so lieben können und dann sterben dürfen, das wärs wohl.

Schliesslich scheint keine Steigerung möglich zu sein und man müsste den Rest des Lebens nur noch in der Erinnerung schwelgen.

das frage ich mich auch
da denke ich an das Glücksrad... die Tarotkarte

es geht in erster Linie durch sich selbst glücklich zu sein
aber was jetzt gerade passiert haut mich wirklich aus den Socken!!!

LG Ali:kiss4::umarmen::kiss4:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Ach jetzt weiss ich endlich, wem die da gehören, die da rumliegen:



My love...do you know
when I am really in Alignment with who I really am


and you are in Alignment with who you really are
that Law of Attraction brings us together?

My love... I love loving you
things are coming there way my lover
they come at the right time
I can't get it wrong
I can get it wrong with you

and what is definitly?
in this ballet of life
in all this circles we dance
in all this roles we play in our several lifes?

yes my love... this is the ultimate state of allowing
it means to talk less and feel more and more and more
it means to feel so deep and even more deeper

it means to feel also sorrow and sadnes
but it means not to face it as reallity

it means to defend never and praise only
and find things that feel good

it is MY focus upon YOU my love
and the way it FEELS as I focus it... my love

it feels good to love you
it feels safe and honest and worthy
it feels true... it is true

My love... I will end my love letter today
with some words of Rudhyard Kippling... from his famous novel "Kim"

“This is a brief life, but in its brevity it offers us some splendid moments, some meaningful adventures.”

na nich von mir:lachen:

die Mods haben ungeheure Angst vor hot links
obwohl "hot" einfach etwas herrliches ist:D:kiss4:

your shoes are so hot babe... y'a see?:thumbup:

LG Ali:kiss4::umarmen::kiss4: