Ich liebe es dich zu lieben... das schönste Gefühl auf Erden

My love... I love you and I first of all...I love to love you
this really makes me happy
where we are today?
we are on the Mahrajas Express and looking foreward to our new destination

after a superb meal we are sitting at the bar of the train
taking some drinks and enjoying the journey...
tomorrow we come to Agra and we will see the Tach Mahal

isn't it exciting?
the Tach Mahal is the symbol of LOVE
the symbol of eternal love

Taj Mahal symbolizes one of the greatest love stories ever in the world
it talks in its silence of the eternal love between Emperor Shah Jahan
and his beloved wife Mumtaz...since it was created in the year 1653

and it's the heart moving story of Shajahan and his princess Mumtaz
oh what a story my love... fascinating

the Taj Mahal is for honouring princess Mumtaz
the love story not written on paper... but in stone

You see my love...
the history of Taj Mahal doesn't only speak about creative magnificence
but also delivers a story of LOVE

music is the food for love and love constitutes the very essence of life
it journeys through the passages of time
it changes with the courses of life and it faces the reversal of fortunes but it never fades

let me tell you that people die but love remains constant
only love that cherishes in silence the fond memories of past

My love...this love story is fascinating
it feels deeply touching my heart
what do you think?

love is real
love is imortal
love remains
love is healing
love is pure bliss
love is joy
love is reaching the stars
love is dancing in heaven
love remains allways

love is life... if you miss love... you miss life

and I have to tell you this:

if I don't love... something terrible is going wrong with me!

love is in my heart
love can not be destroyed
love is the most important power in the Universe

and you have to say:

thank you thank you... instead of:

Okay, but I'm not sure if I really deserve it
and I'm not sure that I've suffered long enough
and I'm not sure that I've paid a big enough price
and I'm not sure that I've worked myself…

just "Okay, thanks. Okay, thanks."

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My love... my lover
the lotus flower is the metapher of floating serenely
on a shimmering lake
beautiful soft petals
they are awaken
bathing in the light
of a gleaming gold sunset
they are caressed by the breeze
as it chants
oh my lover... and with such eloquence
so silent...
charming the depths of our two souls
with its purity

mesmerising our thoughts
with deep tranquility
so alluring my lover
so untouchable

friendship and beauty
that cannot be described
but felt
in the depth of our souls
where our hearts lay exposed
craving the companionship

we are two lotus flowers
I love you... you know the meaning


I love you... I love loving you and I do... and so deep
do you know how deep I love you? how much I appreciate you?
and it feels good and wanted for eternity

my lover... all have to do with balance and equilibrium
for me life is a dance together with the Universe
and balance means to bring the two powers of man and woman together
the eternal dance of worlds

and when the last chaines are fallen... my lover
than I am able to dance with the moon

than I can dance with my inner desires... I am no more adicted to them
I dance with my desires and not my desires are dancing with me

what a powerful dance
what a magic dance of joy
it feels like a dance bringing light everywhere
it feels like the sun is rising inside my heart
it feels confident and strong
it feels like loving and dancing
it feels magic... dancing with the moon
it feels very much like woman power and man power together

it feels like bringing heaven and earth together

oh my lover... I dance under the moonlight by new moon
can you imagine this crazy metapher?

I am playing in high stakes games because
I am playing with the Energy that creates worlds

and so my lover I am crazy and weird
I am foolish and dance
I am loving you and dance... having fun
I am laughing with the wind and dancing with the wind
I am nuts...yeah I am nuts...and my vortex let me feel like this

it will be unfold
it will be unfold
... it will allways continue... the eternal dance
together with my desires
how much fun we have
how exciting it is
it feels crazy oh yeah... I love it
unchained is my heart and singing... and I am dancing

it feels passionate... dancing in the cool light of the moon
it feels intense... a clash of cold and hot coming together
it feels like an explosion in the dark...wow

it feels like feeling you... you are here
it feels like knowing
knowing... my love can you feel it?

Desire in an attitude of understanding
that it will continue to unfold
is really what the eternalness that is me is all about

we never going to get it done... my love
nor do we ever want to get it done
and we want it to continue to unfold...


My love... my eternal lover
do you know what appreciation does?

in appreciation... in my appreciation
we are contributing BACK
in the full measure of what we are receiving

Yessssssssssss! my lover...it puts the give-and-take into the perfect alignment!
in our acknowledgement of the well being that surrounds us
we give BACK proportionately

You get it my love?

the entire Universe who is nonresistant
this vortextual Universe in utter non-resistance just floods back
In other words... it just keeps mirroring back
You appreciate, Vortex appreciates, you appreciate, Vortex appreciates

you appreciate, Vortex appreciates...
...until you just parley yourself into greater states
of ecstasy

my love... do you hear this my love?
about appreciation... about counting our blessings
and we are blessed and living in fulness in~paradise~

my lover... than our heart sings and dance... it will race
can you feel all this well being surrounding us?
can you see all the beauty here and now?

taking a bath in the stream... flowing and loving this energy who creates
loving creation... allways flowing and saying: you are my favorite
all is my favorite... how about you?

the whole is this paradise on earth
the mirror of our inside world

I simply have to tell you that I love you
I love you how you are and you are wonderful

Paradise is my homeland...


My love... how does it feel knowing?
knowing the path
listening to the inner voice of guidance...

it feels so alive
it feels real
good and sure
being in love
being home
so much
so much... I love it so much my sweet lover

I love the feeling of nature
I love the feeling of this amazing NOW
I love the sound of the waves
I love this knowing of going and coming

the dance of the Universe...

my love... it is so easy
so vibrionate and alive
so much alive
it feels secure
it feels certain and secure it feels real
it feels true

it feels good
it feels to be home
it feels worthy
it feels in peace with everything
with nature and with everybody arround me
it feels like me

it feels like me
like me
like me

in all it's fullness it...
it can not feel better than that

a wave has it special swell anatomy
going with the wave and trusting
to be on the right place at the right time


and than it is coming in
it is the wave who is so powerful
using this power and go go go go
in the right moment

in this moment of orquestration of the whole Universe

pure bliss
pure joy

can it be better than this?

es geht nicht darum "wie viel" man hört oder liest
es geht darum es zu verinnerlichen und es zu leben

es ist alles sooooooo einfach: der Kontakt zu sich selbst
zur Quelle und der Weg geht über die Gefühle

LG Ali:umarmen::kiss4::umarmen:
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Mein Geliebter... wie schön ist es dich zu lieben
was für eine Bandbreite von tiefen Gefühlen

ich weiss es jetzt definitiv Geliebter
wenn ich liebe... dann fühle ich mich zutiefst verbunden

mit allem was ist
mit mir selbst
mit der ewigen Quelle von Liebe
Weisheit und Mitgefühl

heute wanderte ich nochmals auf den Klippen entlang
genau den Weg den wir Samstag nahmen

und ich blickte über das weite endlose Meer
der Wind berührte sanft die Grashalme

ein wenig melancholisch
Liebe ist auch manchmal Melancholie
dadurch erst ensteht Tiefe

ich blickte über das Meer
du warst nicht mehr bei mir
unterwegs nach London

aber du warst doch da
du warst so nah... so nah... so nah

es ist unwichtig wie weit du in Meilen entfernt bist
es sind die Gefühle... sie zaubern dich herbei

mein Geliebter... ich staune über meine Gefühle
eine Quelle die sprudelt
aus den Tiefen meiner Seele

jetzt bist du wirklich da
jetzt habe ich dich manifestiert
jetzt brennt ein Feuer von einer Intensität

wir können nicht zurück mein Geliebter
es ist die Pfeilspitze
die in rasender Geschwindigkeit nach vorne schiesst

es ist das Wissen
diese leise Stimme in mir selbst

ich liebe es meinem inneren Selbst zu vertrauen
ich liebe es mich dem Fluss des Universums anzuvertrauen
ich liebe es in absoluter Freiheit zu lieben

wie die wilden Pferde in der Camargue
ist es nicht wunderbar diese weissen Pferde in ihrer Freiheit zu sehen?
in all ihrer wilden Schönheit?
und ist es nicht wunderbar genau diese Freiheit fühlen zu dürfen?

mein Geliebter... du verkörperst für mich diesen wilden Mann
und ich fühle dabei genau diese wilde und freie Liebe
ich fühle den brausenden Wind des Mistral
die Pferde in der Camargue sind seine Söhne
und ich liebe ihre Wildheit und Freiheit

ich liebe dich Geliebter... immer
