
Interessant was hier alles so steht.

Also Mond Quadrat Pluto ist ziemlich schwer manchmal - ich habe manchmal das Gefühl von meinen Gefühlen übermannt zu werden. Und früher hatte ich Schwierigkeiten mit Wutanfällen was dann natürlich auf Kosten meines Erscheinungsbildes ging und das hat sich dann soweit neutralisiert.

Ansonsten habe ich nur noch schöne Mond-Aspekte:

Mond Trigon Uranus: Kreativität, emotionale Losgelöstheit, Improvisationstalent
Mond Trigon Venus: Liebe für Ästhetik, Freundlichkeit, soziale Umgangsformen
Mond Trigon Sonne: Balance zwischen männlichen und weiblichen Anteilen
Mond Trigon Mars: starke Widerstandskraft, Ungeduld
Mond Konj Aszendet (wobei das auch wieder problematisch sein soll)
mo tri mar:
Those with the Moon in harmonious aspect to Mars in their natal charts are passionate people who love life. Although their emotions are powerful and immediate, their passion is generally controlled and directed. These people are sexual people who nevertheless don't get carried away or controlled by their passions. Because their emotions are strong and they know how to channel them into constructive channels, they don't easily understand such things as "crimes of passion", impulsive behaviors, or emotional excitability in others. They're generally open, accepting, and natural in their sexual expression. They need an emotional connection in order to feel complete on a physical level. People with these aspects often have an affection and talent for sports, but other factors in the natal chart are necessary to provide the motivation and commitment.

mo tri ur
Preferring to live in an open and accepting manner, you encourage others to "be themselves" with an attitude that anything goes and a fondness for the unusual and unconventional. As a parent, you may be quite open with your children, and encouraging the same in them. You aim to be friends with them. In fact, you are like this with most people you meet--you treat others as equals regardless of their status or position. You detest stuffiness, showiness, and pretense, and you will often do or say something that will break others out of an overly serious frame of mind. You are spontaneous, funny, perceptive, and a little quirky.

mo con sat:
There is a marked cautiousness and defensiveness to people with a Moon-Saturn conjunction in their natal charts, and it's really a self-protective thing, as they are very sensitive. Their disciplined emotional nature may sometimes be mistaken for coldness. Certainly, they tend to adopt a practical, business-like approach to the world of emotion. However, they are very sensitive and fear rejection. Some adopt a very cool exterior, leading others to believe that they don't need nurture and love, simply because they are reticent about expressing their need for these basics of life. There is a large possibility for a self-fulfilling prophecy in this respect if they are not careful. Holding people at arm's length seems to be their instinctive response, and it can be hard for others to extend their own hand.

mo sq pl:
You are not always open with your feelings. Although you have a strong urge to share your innermost emotions with others, you have a simultaneous desire to control what others know about you, which likely stems from fear. You crave a deep feeling of belonging and intimate connection with others, and yet your approach to realizing these desires is often self-defeating. Attempts to control situations as you strive towards this goal generally backfire. Fear of loss and betrayal can consume you, and manipulating others so that you can keep them attached to you leads to empty satisfaction at best, and hopelessness at worst. At times you come across as emotionally distant and self-protective (and even cold in expression), and other times you are expressing an intensity of feeling that can go so far as intimidate, overwhelm, and scare off others. As much as you want to share yourself emotionally with others, you rarely reveal your vulnerabilities.

mo sq jup:
The charitableness of Moon-Jupiter aspects is here, but it is sometimes done to the natives' disadvantage. These people want to see the best in others, and are very quick to forgive and to accept others. Their big-heartedness, however, can go a little too far at times. They might promise a little more than they can deliver and although most will recognize their good intentions, they can quickly gain a reputation for not being very reliable or responsible.

sa sq jup:
You suffer because you remember your failures more than your successes and consequently have a hard time developing a picture of yourself as a winner. In this sense you were born old. However, this same quality engenders a childish quality in you that tends to look for the "quick fix". Hard work and consistency of effort brings success for you just like it does for everyone else. Yes, you need some luck or some breaks, but these come from perspective, vision or aim in life. Work to see yourself as deserving good things in life, then be willing to put forth honest effort.

Interpretations written by Annie Heese; thank you!
mo tri sun:
The emotions and the will are at peace with one another, suggesting a rather balanced personality. The "messages" received in childhood were not contradictory overall, and these people have a stronger sense of purpose and appreciation of harmony than most people. Many people with these aspects are personally popular, likely because they expect harmony in their relationships. Sun sextile or trine Moon people are generally very attracted to relationships and are attractive to the opposite sex. A certain level of self-confidence and a sense of security make these people quite easy to deal with on many levels. Their relaxed, easygoing disposition puts others at ease.

When the Sun and Moon are in harmonious aspect, the natives may not be prepared for conflict and could be inclined to avoid rocking the boat. They may acquiesce a little too often, if only to maintain a feeling of balance and harmony, as conflict is something they not only dislike, it's something they might fear. The tendency towards too much acceptance--of the self and of others--is most prominent with the trine. These people must be encouraged to question life, or they run the risk of taking things for granted.

mo tri ve:
Amiability is a distinct characteristic of those people who have the sextile or trine of the Moon and Venus in their natal charts. There is something soft and yielding about them, and their natural charm is usually obvious. Highly imaginative and sympathetic, these people make excellent mediators and go-betweens. They are keenly aware of their need for relationships and for intimacy. Whether male or female, these people have a well-developed respect for qualities typically associated with the feminine. As such, men with this aspect are often unusually popular with women, as they seem to be in touch with their softer, sympathetic side in a most natural manner that takes nothing away from their "masculinity". People appreciate both sexes for their tender hearts and friendly, diplomatic disposition.

Unless afflicted, these aspects usually promise a good measure of personal popularity and success. Although generally considered "lucky" with relationships and with money, this is less about luck than it is about a certain level of inner peace and positive energy that attracts pleasant situations. The only real down side to these aspects is a tendency to be somewhat complacent, downright lazy, and over-indulgent in the "pleasures" of life. If unchallenged, there may be a tendency to expect things to come to them without much effort, perhaps relying too heavily on charm. However, people with these aspects are often peace-makers at heart and have an unusual ability to help and heal others.

mo con ac; kommt drauf an ob h.12 oder h.1!!!
Those with Moon in conjunction with the Ascendant in their natal charts are quite impressionable and their moods change often. This is not to say that they are weak characters--they most certainly can be strong individuals. However, they pick up tremendous amounts of impressions from their environment and are sensitive to the slightest of temperature changes (not only with regards to the weather, but feeling/spiritual sensations from people and the surroundings as well).

They can easily project confusing signals to others. On one hand, their attachment to the home and family, as well as the projection of a somewhat dependent or needy personality, gives off the impression that they are seeking warm attachments with others. On the other, they have an unmistakable streak of independence and can hold people at arm's length when they get too close. "Moody" is the best way to sum it up. Even their physical appearance is notably changeable. Women with this position tend to retain water at different stages in their cycle. Rounded faces are common in both men and women.
DAnke Luonnatar für deine Mühe dies alles hier reinzukopieren. Ich habe mich da ganz gut drin gefunden :)
wollte dieses Thema noch mal aufgreifen....lässt mir keine Ruhe???:umarmen:
Bei Mond Konjunktion Saturn steht, das die Persönlichkeit dieser Menschen oft von leichter Schwermut überschattet sind. Sie bleiben mit ihren Gefühlen allzusehr der Vergangenheit und schon fast vernarbten Wunden verhaftet. Sie sollten sich mehr auf konstruktive Aktivitäten und Ziele richten.
Ob konstruktive oder depressive Eigenschaften des Aspekts die Oberhand gewinnt, hängt zum größten Teil von den anderen Aspekten zu dieser Konjunktion ab.

Ja das stimmt, oskar adler schreibt Saturn ist die erblast der vergangenheit oder so, ich hab ja auch noch sonne-saturn opposition und da steht dass das einer der besch*** aspekte ist, weil saturn mein wesen total niederdrückt, und mond-saturn konjunktion ist ja sowieso schon Schwermut und chronische bedrücktheit, ich frag mich nur was ich in meinen früheren leben verbrochen habe das ich so gestraft bin :rolleyes: warscheinlich war ich mal hitler oder so, der hatte nämlich auch pluto in 8 :blue2:
Heute höre ich zum ersten Mal, dass ich mit meiner Mond/Uranus Konjunktion (Orbis 1 Grad) ein nervöser Mensch bin. Ist mir noch nie aufgefallen, da ich als Stier die Ruhe selbst bin. :D

LG Mona
Heute höre ich zum ersten Mal, dass ich mit meiner Mond/Uranus Konjunktion (Orbis 1 Grad) ein nervöser Mensch bin. Ist mir noch nie aufgefallen, da ich als Stier die Ruhe selbst bin. :D

LG Mona

Hallo Mona,

lustig, ich bin auch Stier mit Mond/Uranus - allerdings Opposition :)
Nervös bin ich auch nicht, da spielt wohl auch die Grundschwingung des Sonnen- und Mondzeichens eine Rolle. Ich bin allerdings sehr ungeduldig und oft geht mir alles viel zu langsam.:D


Bei mir ist Mond/Uranus im Quadrat bin dazu Fisch mit Jungfrauaszendent und fühle mich nicht nervös. - Manchmal vielleicht etwas emotional instabil.
Mond ist mit Jupiter und Neptun in einer Konjunktion. Das macht mich zusammen mit der Fischesonne äusserst sensibel und zum "emotionalen Staubsauger". Aber auch mit dem habe ich schon ziemlich gelernt umzugehen. Mond/Venus sind auch im Quadrat. Manchmal habe ich den Eindruck, das macht mich etwas zickig... - Der Mond ist dann noch im Sextil zum Pluto am Aszendenten. - Auch das emotionale Power, ich spür extrem viel Unterschwelliges.

Mir geht es wie Gabi oft zu langsam. Ich bin sehr gut im Ungeduldigsein, auch hier habe ich mittlerweile viele Sporen abverdient.

Liebe Grüsse, Maschka
Heute höre ich zum ersten Mal, dass ich mit meiner Mond/Uranus Konjunktion (Orbis 1 Grad) ein nervöser Mensch bin. Ist mir noch nie aufgefallen, da ich als Stier die Ruhe selbst bin. :D

LG Mona

Chronische nervosität war nur die grobe zusammenfassung.
Die innere befindlichkeit des geborenen mit Mond-uranus konjunktion ist zu beschreiben als eine beständige Ungeduld, verbunden mit Erwartungsfieber, Unzufriedenheit mit dem Gegenwärtigen, das leicht für das noch ungewisse Zukünftige hingegeben wird.
das hab ich jetzt mal schnell bei oskar adler nachgelesen. kannst du damit was anfangen :confused: