der Fall Julian Assange


profil - direkt aus Österreich @ (aktueller geht’s garnicht mehr)

AUSLAND --- 15.01.2021

Manfred Nowak über die Jagd auf Assange: "Es ist ein politischer Skandal"

Der ehemalige UNO-Sonderberichterstatter für Folter Manfred Nowak über die Jagd nach WikiLeaks-Gründer Julian Assange, erfundene Vergewaltigungen, gefälschte Beweise und die Folgen für den investigativen Journalismus.

von Siobhán Geets



Donald Trump considering presidential pardon for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to Pamela Anderson

BY: Michael Murphy
January 19, 2021 [ Europe: in the evening of Tuesday ]

[ prepared for private distribution by E-Mail, by Martin MITCHELL in Australia, in accordance with European Date and Time: Tuesday, 19th Januar 2021, 23:59 Uhr CET ]

DONALD TRUMP is apparently considering pardoning WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange before his presidency ends, according to long-time supporter Pamela Anderson.

She said it would be the "perfect way" for the outgoing president to end his term in office because he "is against fake news and WikiLeaks is anti-fake news".

As one of the Assange's most high-profile supporters, Ms Anderson has been a vocal advocate of the activist's struggle for freedom to leaders around the world.

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All those who want to be informed, see the original.
Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange kämpft um seine Freilassung.

Forbes media @

BREAKING | Jan 20, 2021,12:21 hours EST [ US-time ] | 6,461 views

[ Forbes media headquarters is located in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA ]

Trump Didn’t Pardon Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange And His Supporters Aren’t Happy

Siladitya Ray
Siladitya Ray Forbes Staff


Covering breaking news and tech policy stories at Forbes.

Updated Jan 20, 2021, 13:14 hours EST [ US-time ]

TOPLINE - Trump’s decision to leave out Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from his final list of presidential pardons has not gone down well with his supporters on mainstream and fringe social media platforms, with several Assange supporters accusing the outgoing president of folding to pressure from his advisers and Senate Republicans.

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All those who want to be informed, see the original.
Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange kämpft um seine Freilassung.


[The South African daily online newspaper] Daily Maverick @ :


UK’s former Brexit secretary says Assange judge 'got the law wrong'

By Richard Norton-Taylor • 22 January 2021

As US prosecutors lodge an appeal in their resolve to jail Julian Assange for espionage, a former British Cabinet minister [David Davis] has delivered a stinging attack on Britain’s extradition treaty with the US.

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[David] Davis also pointed out that journalists in the US were protected by the first amendment. Daniel Ellsberg was charged for leaking the Pentagon Papers to The New York Times. The newspaper was never prosecuted. No journalist in Britain or the US was prosecuted for publishing scores of secret documents from America’s National Security Agency or Britain’s GCHQ leaked by Edward Snowden.

The irony, said [David] Davis, is that if Assange were an American journalist in the US, he would not be prosecuted. DM [Daily Maverick]

Richard Norton-Taylor was the Guardian’s defence correspondent and its security editor for three decades and is the author of several books, most recently The State of Secrecy .




Daily Maverick is a South African daily online newspaper founded in 2009 and edited by Branko Brkic and published by Styli Charalambous. It is run by an independent private company.[1][2][3] According to the Daily Maverick website, the publication is "a unique blend of news, information, analysis and opinion delivered from our newsroom in Johannesburg, South Africa".[1] Charalambous says the website is also "a platform for photojournalism, providing readers with a visual insight into what is happening in South Africa, Africa and globally".[4]

Contributors include assistant editor Marianne Thamm, free market columnist Ivo Vegter, constitutional law expert Pierre de Vos, founding General Secretary of COSATU Jay Naidoo, activist Sisonke Msimang, and photojournalist Greg Marinovich.[2]

Daily Maverick is part of The Guardian's Africa network.[5]

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"WDR-Dokumentation"+"Julian Assange"

Mediatheken - Prisma

Der Fall Assange: Eine Chronik - Der Fall Assange: Eine Chronik
INFO • MI., 20.01. • 89 MIN.,28209624

Julian Assange und die Justiz - eine nicht enden wollende Geschichte. Viele hatten gehofft, dass der Wikileaks-Gründer gegen Kaution aus seiner Londoner Haft frei kommt. Aber Assange bleibt bis auf Weiteres im Gefängnis, auch wenn er vorläufig nicht an die USA ausgeliefert wird. Dort gilt er als Staatsfeind, dem der Prozess gemacht werden soll. Das Tauziehen im Fall Assange geht weiter. Ein Blick auf eine spannende Geschichte mit unglaublichen Verwicklungen und Wirrungen.

Leider, leider erlaubt die britische Justiz die Auslieferung von Julian Assange an die USA!

Reporter ohne Grenzen hat eine Petition gestartet, um die Auslieferung zu verhindern.
Wer unterschreiben möchte:
Leider, leider erlaubt die britische Justiz die Auslieferung von Julian Assange an die USA!

Reporter ohne Grenzen hat eine Petition gestartet, um die Auslieferung zu verhindern.
Wer unterschreiben möchte:
Traurig. Nun, der Anwalt hat 4 Wochen Zeit Einspruch zu erheben. Da in USA Assange 100 Jahre Gefängnis drohen.