Die Königin von England kommt im Juni nach Berlin

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ZDF 19:25 - Die Bourbonen

Ein Jahr nach dem Thronwechsel in Madrid porträtiert die Dokumentation Spaniens neues Königspaar und taucht ein in die bewegte wie bewegende Geschichte des Hauses Bourbon. Anhand ausgesuchter Biografien erkundet der Film die 300-jährige Herrschaft der spanischen Bourbonen und schlägt den Bogen zu den Ursprüngen - von Schloss Versailles unter Sonnenkönig Ludwig XIV. zum Königspalast in Madrid unter Felipe VI.. Seit mehr als drei Jahrhunderten herrschen die Bourbonen in Spanien. Ein mächtiges Adelsgeschlecht, dessen Wurzeln in Frankreich liegen. Der berühmteste Vertreter des Hauses Bourbon: Frankreichs Sonnenkönig Ludwig XIV.. Mit Waffengewalt etablierte er seinen Enkel Philippe als König Felipe V. auf dem Thron von Madrid. Die große Ära der französischen Bourbonen ging mit der Revolution von 1789 zu Ende. Die Monarchie der spanischen Bourbonen wurde in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wiederbelebt. "Ich stehe für eine erneuerte Monarchie in einer neuen Zeit." Mit diesen Worten trat König Felipe VI. im Juni 2014 sein Amt an - als elfter Bourbone an der Spitze Spaniens.
Happy and relaxed today.


The Duke of Cambridge has written the following preface to Elizabeth II: The Steadfast, a biography by former Home and Foreign Secretary Lord Hurd, which recounts the reign, character and family life of The Queen...

"Over the last ninety years, the world has changed more rapidly than at any time in history.

When my grandmother The Queen was born in 1926, the wounds of the Great War were still healing, but few would imagine how soon they would be reopened.

The confidence of the previous century had morphed into uncertainty and many worried – as they still do – about the challenge presented to our communities by rapid technological and social change.

After almost ninety years, we find ourselves in a world that has changed dramatically, almost beyond recognition to the world that The Queen was born into, but where the role of charity, family, duty and compassion perseveres.

I think I speak for my generation when I say that the example and continuity provided by The Queen is not only very rare among leaders but a great source of pride and reassurance.

Time and again, quietly and modestly, The Queen has shown us all that we can confidently embrace the future without compromising the things that are important.

From a personal point of view, I am privileged to witness the private side of The Queen, as a grandmother and great-grandmother.

The Queen’s kindness and sense of humour, her innate sense of calm and perspective, and her love of family and home are all attributes I experience first-hand.

I should add that no mention of The Queen is complete without paying tribute to my grandfather Prince Philip, who has devoted his life to supporting her.

All of us who will inherit the legacy of my grandmother’s reign and generation need to do all we can to celebrate and learn from her story. Speaking for myself, I am privileged to have The Queen as a model for a life of service to the public."

HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, 2015

Quelle: The British Monarchy, facebook