investigation into an alien artefact

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8. November 2008
Hello, my name is Laura Walker and I’m English. I’m an expert in communication with a PhD in Socio-Linguistics and I work with 4 other scientists from different areas. We are an international team with German, Dutch, Luxembourgian, Belgian and English members. We have decided to use the internet to do some research which has until today remained rather sterile. We, and more particularly I, think that the internet is certainly the best way we can use to contact many people and therefore find what we are looking for. I’ll be writing for the entire team, so, I’ll maybe sometimes post some explanations from one member of our research team. Firstly, I’ll ask you to write in English please. If what you read is on an English website, I understand that it won’t seem strange, but if you are reading my message on a German or Dutch website, you’ll better understand my demand. In fact, what we want to do is very serious and I’ll be working over many different countries. I’m ready to share any reasonable information that we’ll get from any country, hoping that some information will allow you to connect with some other information received from somewhere else. This topic will be opened on many different websites all over Europe and I don’t think that we’ll remain unproductive. So, thank you everyone for joining our research about the most interesting file we found since the 5 of us have started working on special files. Now here is the story that we were told by Andreas, our German scientist. A few months ago his mother died and in her will, Andreas found an incredible report, written by his mother. Here is a sum up as we mustn’t tell some details that are too personal or that could even be dangerous. Melanie, Andreas’ mother met a man during her holidays in the Dominican Republic. They became friends. Their relation lasted the time of their holidays and that was it. Years later, Melanie received a phone call from this man, asking to meet her in a café. At this meeting, the man told her an incredible story. Years ago, they had found an extraterrestrial artefact, that they had to hide. The man explained to Melanie that he suspected the army to spy on him and he wanted to hide this artefact in someone’s house who had nothing to do with him and she was the perfect stranger that no one knew in his life. It was impossible to find a link with him. Melanie was afraid and refused because she understood nothing about this story and it just seemed too strange to her. Still she wanted to know more because she was very interested in stories like this. She had become close to this man because he knew a lot about files of that sort. So, they met again and again, many times, so that Melanie started to feel concerned about this artefact and was willing to take the risk to keep it at home. She learnt many things during these meetings. The artefact had been found in Ireland and was thousands of years old. Melanie was told that the artefact was floating in the air before, making no noise or wind, but producing a very powerful light. What she saw when she looked at it was an inert disk with a very strange and attractive structure. She said that she loved to touch it again and again. After showing the disc to her, the man put it into a sort of very heavy safety box and put the box into her house. He explained that he had received a lot of information through this disc, which seemed to be like a sort of hard disk from another civilisation. He gave her some pictures of the disk, a text written in a completely different writing and explained to Melanie that this writing allowed him to read the crop circles. He explained in fact that the creators of this strange hard disk were also the creators of the crop circles all over the world. Then, this man disappeared. Melanie heard that the man had been killed by the army shortly after having given her the disk. For years, she kept this big box without being able to open it. Melanie was quite old and she decided to do nothing. Her house was very big and she never entered the bedroom where the box was stored. One day, the man who was supposed to be dead came back. He explained that he had been attacked and was put in jail but had been able to escape. Then, he left a telephone number and disappeared again for years. One day, Melanie entered the room where the box was stored and she got extremely afraid. A very powerful light was floating in the middle of the room at a height of around a meter and a half. She became so afraid that she called the man who made it to her house in less than half an hour. He explained that he had been waiting for this to happen. What happened afterwards is even more incredible, but as I know that on the internet a too long post is not very desired, I’ll propose to tell you the end of what we know next time. Still, with this, maybe some of you have got some information about this story. We can tell you that if we get tired with trying to find some more information, it’s because we have been analysing everything we have, pictures, texts, this strange alphabet, the attack by the army, the correspondence of some dates, etc. Everything is perfectly clear and real. Even if we know the end of the story and have a lot of information, we can tell you that finally, we don’t know what happened to this disk and to this man. In Melanie’s will to her son, we have the complete story, but afterwards they disappeared, taking with them most of the wonderful story that could bring enough knowledge to mankind to face the future. We think that anybody who could help us find the truth about this story will be part of a fantastic story. Ideally, we would like to find this disk, or at least if we cannot, to write a book about this story and any information we can get from this extraterrestrial civilisation.
Thank you for sharing whatever information you may have. As I’ll be working on many different websites, I won’t be able to come on this site everyday, but I’ll bring you any information that I can find in any country. Thank you for being part of the internet team to help us find the truth about this story.
The internet remains one of the strongest tools of information and I’m sure that the web will be stronger than anything that we’ve been using until now.
Best regards.
Laura Walker
geil, eine ausserirdische Festplatte....geht schlecht!!!!

Ich hoff ihr könnt alle Englisch...*lach*
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