Edgar Mitchell sagt Ausserirdische existieren

Zu dem spannenden Thema "Astronauten und Ufos" gibts hier noch einen interessanten Bericht:

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Mitchell ist nicht der einzige Astronaut welcher von der Existenz von UFOs und ausserirdischer Intelligenz überzeugt ist. Auch der verstorbene Astronaut Gordon Cooper hatte ähnliche Ansichten.
Es geht dabei nich um die Existenz von UFOs und ausserirdischer Intelligenz; dbzgl. ist auch der thread-Titel unglücklich gewählt. Für jeden mit halbwegs was an irdischer Intelligenz steht diese ausser Frage.


There was a special Pentagon number to call to report incidents like this. He called and it immediately went up the chain of command until he was instructed by a general to have the film developed (but to make no prints of it) and send it right away in a locked courier pouch. As he had not been instructed to not look at the negatives before sending them, he did. He said the quality of the photography was excellent as would be expected from the experienced photographers who took them. What he saw was exactly what they had described to him. He did not see the movie film before everything was sent away. He expected that there would be a follow up investigation since an aircraft of unknown origin had landed in a highly classified military installation, but nothing was ever said of the incident again.