La Vera Sibilla

4 di Cuori - Amore

Keywords: Love, family, affection, beauty, harmony, attraction.


Amore corresponds to the playing card 4 of Hearts.

A cherubic Cupid lounges on a bed of red roses on a green hillside. He has bow in hand, and his quiver filled with arrows lies on the ground at his feet. One arrow has fallen loose from the quiver. He appears to have just shot an arrow, and is about to shoot another. In the sky above Cupid’s head are two doves that appear to be in a dance of mating.



Cupid: In Roman mythology, Cupid is the god of erotic love.

Cupid’s Arrows: Cupid’s arrows are said to inspire romantic love.

Red Roses: symbolize passion and desire.

Doves: symbolize peace and love. Doves are also associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love.


Upright: 4 di Cuori represents love in all its various forms. It indicates that the querent is in love with someone or something, and the surrounding cards will help determine the target of affection. Amore can represent a romantic relationship or love affair. It can indicate a new love, or the beginning of a new friendship. This card can also denote family bonds.

Amore is a card of attraction. It reveals what the seeker is attracting to him or herself, and who or what is attracted to the seeker. It can indicate attracting the right people and circumstances to successfully realize a goal. It can indicate attracting a mate, or that a certain someone is attracted to the querent. This card also represents sexual attraction, and can denote a sexual encounter.

In a general sense, 4 di Cuori represents happiness. It denotes harmony and perfection, and can indicate things “righting themselves” or “working out” in a favorable manner. This card denotes happy outcomes, and positive results. The right doors open at the right time to ensure success.

Reversed: Fickleness, frustration in love and marriage, a lost love, falling out of love, a lack of physical attraction, or a lack of sexual compatibility.
9 di Cuori - Fedeltà


Fealty, fidelity, loyalty, devotion, protection, and faithfulness.


The 9 di Cuori corresponds to the playing card 9 of Hearts. In the traditional Sibilla, this card features an image of a dog sitting at heel.

La Vera Sibilla: The dog sits guarding a tent. On the ground in front of the tent sits a hat. In the background there is a tree, and in the distance we see a large body of water. This card carries the keywords: “Successo amoroso,” which means “success in love.”

L’Oracolo della Sibilla: In this deck, Fedeltà corresponds to the playing card 2♣, which sense because traditionally the 2♣ represents friendship, and social or business partnerships. The image on this card is of a dog guarding a Roman Legionnaire’s arms and cloak at the opening to the soldier’s tent.

Sibilla Della Zingara: In the distance, nestled under a mountain, is a small village. In the middle ground is a large puddle of water. The dog sits on a patch of grass in the foreground, and the landscape behind is barren.



Dog - Dogs have been called “man’s best friend.” They symbolize loyalty, faithfulness, companionship, friendship, service and protection. The dog appears to be guarding the village seen in the far distance.

Hat - symbol of authority and achievement.

Tree - symbolizes family, life, strength and steadfastness.

Barren land - symbolizes the hardships of life. The dog is a stalwart friend in times of trouble.

Water - represents purity and spirituality, and indicates the dog’s purity of intention.

Mountains - ancient symbols of staunchness, constancy and steadfastness.

How to Read Fedeltà:

Upright: The 9 di Cuori is one of the most positive cards in the deck. Traditionally, the 9♥ is the “Wish Card,” and it is universally a card of good fortune, success, fulfillment, and attainment.

Specifically, the 9 di Cuori represents a loyal friend, or faithful partner, or the qualities of faithfulness expressed toward a person or an ideal.

In a general sense, this card symbolizes all of the favorable aspects of the traditional 9♥ including wish fulfillment, attainment, gratification, companionship and success in love; and can indicate that a new friend or lover is about to enter the querent’s life. This card reminds us to trust in a bountiful Universe.

The 9 di Cuori is also a card of protection. It can represent that a trusted friend is covering one’s back, and protecting one’s interests.

Reversed: In the reversed position, the 9 di cuori can point to unfaithfulness and betrayals of trust. It can indicate a loss of friendship, or a lack of faith in oneself or another.

da es Interesse gibt, schreibe ich die Bedeutungen der Karten weiter.

Karo 5 Malinconia (Melancholie)
Man denkt immer an die Vergangenheit, man kann nicht loslassen. Beruflich heisst die Karte Unzufriedenheit. Was die Gesundheit betrifft, Depression oder Verstimmungen.

Karo 6 Pensiero (Gedanken)
Die Karte symbolisiert die Gegenwart. Nichts passiert, denn der Fragesteller denkt über alles nach und ist passiv. Natürlich stellt die Karten auch die Gedanken dar.

Karo 7 Bambino (Das Kind)
Die Karte stellt ein Kind, aber auch den Neuanfang dar. Sie bezieht sich außerdem auf Naivität. Die Karte der Zukunft.

Karo 8 Omaggio di preziosi (Teures Geschenk)
Reichtum, teures Geschenk, finanzielle Hilfe. Die Arbeit wird gut bezahlt (oder man arbeitet mit Juwelen). In der Liebe heißt es, dass die Beziehung langsam wichtiger wird.

Karo 9 I Deliranti (das kann ich leider nicht übersetzen)
Chaos, unklare Situation, Stress. Man braucht Entspannung.

Karo 10 Ladro (Dieb)
Betrug, Falschheit und natürlich auch Verlust und Diebstahl. Die Karte bezieht sich auch auf alles, was heimlich gemacht wird.

Karo 11 Messaggero (Postbote)
Ein junger Mann (kein Familienmitglied). Jemand, der gerne reist. Nachrichten (vor allem mündlich). Ein Besuch.

Karo 12 Donna maritata (verheiratete Frau)
Eine zuverlässige Frau, z.B. Mutter ; Ehefrau oder Partnerin. Mutterlicher Typ; sie ist nicht so jung. Auch Schutz und Trost.

Karo 13 Mercante (Geschäftsmann)
Der Chef, aber manchmal auch die berufliche Selbsständigkeit. Gute Verdienste. In der Liebe heißt es Schlauheit oder eine Beziehung aus Interesse.

Bis zum nächsten Mal
in der tat grosses interesse!
vielen lieben dank dir, franka

hier noch ein paar deutungen:

6 di Quadri - Pensiero

Key Words: Thought, ideas, perceptions, inspiration, meditation, philosophy, the mind.


In Sibilla della Zingara, 6 di Quadri depicts a ancient Roman statesman seated at a table with a scroll unraveling from his right hand. The man massages his forehead with his left hand, indicating that he is deep in thought.

In La Vera Sibilla, a Renaissance man ponders an open scroll on a table. His arms are crossed, and he holds his chin in his left hand in a classic meditative pose. A quill and ink pot on the table suggest writing as well as reading. The card features the Keywords: Concezione and Genialità which mean “conception” and “genius.”

In L’Oracolo della Sibilla, the corresponding card is called Pensatore (Thinker), and it’s represented by the 3 of Diamonds. The card depicts a Roman philosopher deep in contemplation.

How to read Pensiero:

The 6 di Quadri reveals whatever is foremost on the querent’s mind. The surrounding cards will describe the querent’s thoughts. Pensiero can denote the querent’s outlook regarding the question, or matter at hand.

In general, Pensiero represents the importance of thought before action. This card can be a warning to think things through carefully before making a decision or taking action. Pensiero can indicate that a project is still in the planning and “thinking” stages. It can represent new ideas coming to bear on a problem or situation.

Specifically, 6 di Quadri represents the active use of mind. It can denote intelligence, aptitude, understanding, thoughtfulness, perception, discernment, and intuition.

This card represents scholarship, study, research, learning, logic, science, and rational thought. It denotes experience and knowledge, and applying psychology to one’s advantage.

Pensiero can represent a scholarly or learned person such as a teacher, historian, philosopher, psychologist, or researcher.


In the reversed position, Pensiero indicates a troubled mind. The querent is anxious or worried about whatever appears in the surrounding cards. This card reversed also indicates “action without thought.”
7 di Quadri - Bambino

Keywords: Baby, infant, newborn, child, beginning, innocence, simplicity.


Bambino depicts a baby asleep in a covered cradle. In La Vera Sibilla, the card features the definition “Candore - Semplicità” which means “candor or innocence and simplicity or naiveté.”


Baby: A birth or rebirth. The beginning of a new project or venture. New or increased responsibilities that will require careful attention.


7 di Quadri denotes new ideas, a new beginning, a fresh start, and improved circumstances. It can indicate added income such as a raise in pay, or increased profits. This card can also predict the successful start of a new project or business venture that will require careful attention to get off the ground. It can denote financial assistance coming from an unexpected source.

Specifically Bambino represents an infant, a child, or children in general. This card can predict a pregnancy or new addition to the family. In a general sense, Bambino can represent innocence, naiveté, inexperience and simplicity.


In the reversed position, Bambino can refer to the querent’s past. It may denote worry and anxiety over failed plans, or money difficulties. It can indicate a sick or troublesome child. It can also denote old fashioned values, or outdated ideas and methods. It can signify someone hardened or jaded by experience.
10 di Quadri - Il Ladro

Key Words: Thief, thievery, theft, caution, hostility and change.


10 di Quadri depicts a thief sneaking through an unlocked window. The thief casts a shadow on the back wall of the room near a steel door that looks like a bank safe.

In La Vera Sibilla, this card carries the keywords: “Inimicizia” and “Cambiamento,” which mean “emnity” and “change” respectively.


* Thief - represents someone who is concerned only with himself, and taking something that belongs to another.
* Break In - represents an invasion of privacy.
* Shadow - symbolizes something secret or hidden. It also represents the darker side of human nature.
* Bank Safe - represents protecting valuables such as money, assets, and personal possessions.

How to read Il Ladro:

The 10 di Quadri represents unexpected or unwanted changes, usually of a sorrowful nature.

This card represents unexpected expenses, financial disputes, bad investments, breaches of contract, and financial wheeling and dealing. The seeker is advised to read the fine print before signing papers or contracts.

Il Ladro warns of theft, loss or deception. The seeker is advised to protect assets and possessions. This card also represents an invasion of privacy, or a background check.

Il Ladro can represent a false friend or family member who is selfish, and only considers his or her own interests. This card represents self-interest, pretense, falsehood, bad advice, lies, secrets, and broken promises.

In the reversed position:

Il Ladro indicates recovery from a bad financial experience, making good on a promise, or getting what one deserves.
4 di Quadri - Falsità

Key Words: Falsehood, greed, insincere flattery, guile, lies, deceit.


In La Vera Sibilla, 4 di Quadri depicts a greedy cat seated on a dining room chair guarding an opened pantry door.

In Sibilla della Zingara, a cat sits on a plush bed with a sumptuously paneled headboard.


Cat: Traditionally, a cat symbolizes mystery, malevolence, treachery, and misfortune.

How to read Falsità:

The 4 di Quadri represents dangerous attractions, false charms, and broken promises. The seeker should be cautioned against dealing with dubious people. Proposals that sound too good to be true, almost always are.

The card Falsità in La Vera Sibilla features the keywords “Lusinga Ingannevole,” which means “deceitful flattery.” This card can denote an insincere person who is trying to influence the seeker. Someone is disguising their true feelings and intentions.

Falsità can represent a false friend, or unfaithful lover. It symbolizes lies, deceit, self deception, misunderstandings, obstacles, and delays. When surrounded by unfavorable cards, Falsità can denote cattiness, vindictiveness, or foul play.

Falsità also denotes mysteries, secrets, hidden agendas, veiled intentions, shady behavior, and underhanded deals.

The Cat may point to something that the seeker is currently unaware of, and the surrounding cards will describe the concealed information.

This card can signify acquiring something under false pretenses. It can represent material gain through greed, swindle or double dealing.

This card can reveal unhealthy attachments. It can signify a powerful attraction to someone (or something) that is emotionally or physically dangerous to the seeker. Following the 9 di Quadri (I Deliranti), it can denote an addiction.

For a cat lover, this card can represent a household pet.
Herz ( C - Cuori ) :

As - Die Konversation (la conversazione)
freundschaftlicher Dialog, Unterhaltung, Kommunikation

2 - Heim (casa)
Familie, Stabilität, Haus, zuhause, Traditionalismus

3 - Aussichtspunkt (belvedere)
Weitblick, große Ambitionen

4 - Liebe (amore)
Liebe, entstehende oder wiederaufblühende Leidenschaft
ihr lieben, lasst doch bitte diesen thread nicht sterben.
es gibt so schon so wenig info zu den sibilla- karten!!!
