Vipassana / Reiki


11. April 2005
Bochum - Wattenscheid
Die Vipassana-Meditation ist zunächst kostenfrei:

Zitat aus der HP:
Für die Kurse werden keine Gebühren erhoben - auch nicht für Unterkunft und Verpflegung. Alle entstehenden Kosten werden durch Spenden von Teilnehmer/innen früherer Kurse getragen, die nach dem Besuch eines 10-Tage-Kurses die positiven Wirkungen von Vipassana selbst erfahren haben und auf diese Weise nun anderen diese Erfahrung ebenso ermöglichen wollen.

Reiki kostenlos erlernen mit der Vorgabe es auch kostenfrei weiterzugeben:

Zitat aus der HP:
Die große Zen-Reiki-Internet-Schule: derzeit lernen 2616 Schüler im Zen-Reiki-Schülerring frei und ohne Kommerz.

Liebe Grüße

Es ist jedoch untersagt die Vipassana-Meditation in Kombination mit Reiki anzuwenden.

One meditator wanted to know why there were restrictions on Reiki practitioners taking more than one Vipassana course. Goenkaji explained, “Reiki or similar healing practices do help people and I have nothing against them. But when such practices are mixed with Vipassana there is danger of harming oneself and harming others. All such practices attempt to alter reality by means of calling on some external force or auto-suggestion (e.g., self hypnosis, etc.). This prevents the practitioner from observing the truth as it is. Therefore they are fundamentally at odds with the objective observation of reality that is Vipassana.
“The purpose of Dhamma is to make one strong and independent. When one depends on an external force, he/she gets weakened. It makes one addicted to a pleasant sensation of which he has no awareness, much less equanimity. One makes subtle but strong saªkh±ras (karma) of craving and of moha (ignorance).
“Reiki practitioners can take only one Vipassana course and then have to choose one practice—either Vipassana or Reiki. This restriction is not based on speculative reasoning alone but on actual experience. I had to take this strong step reluctantly because of experience of many cases around the world where mixing Reiki and Vipassana harmed Reiki practitioners to the extent that some of them became mentally imbalanced. Many, many Reiki practitioners started distorting the practice of Vipassana, harming their patients or students, harming themselves and confusing the new students of Vipassana.
“We have a responsibility towards the well-being of Vipassana students who come to courses. Even if only a few are in danger, we have to be careful. Anyway, they have learned Vipassana and we have warned them. Now if they continue to practice both, they are free to do so on their own. But we certainly don’t want to encourage the risk.”