Elementar - keine Erde

Next, take into account the number of planets, including the ascendant sign in each element and quality. Four or more planets in an element constitutes a predominance. Sometimes a predominance does not exist in which case the person then may be fairly well balanced with respect to the traits exhibited by the elements. The same holds true for the qualities. Refer to the section on Elements, Qualities and House Classifications
Now, here is a surprise. The following is based on the past/present lifetime belief system, which states that, whatever energies you came in with a lot of, represents traits that must be integrated into this lifetime. In other words, the universe supplies you with more of whatever you need help with. Therefore, whatever you lack are traits you've already learned. A lack of earth element for instance may indicate that you've already learned about the things that the earth signs represent. And so, these are often the things that motivate us deep down. It's the things we have yet to learn about that we might avoid. A preponderance of planets in fire signs indicates that the person must learn the fire sign traits such as getting attention, faith, being out-going etc. Therefore you will often find that many people are not always attuned to what they have a lot of in the chart, at least not until they've gotten some life experiences under their belt.
Another technique which may (or may not) be included in the overview is finding the chart sub-signature. Fill in the blanks in this section of the report according to how many planets are in fire signs, how many in earth signs and so on. After finding out which element and which quality is predominant, the two factors are combined to produce one of the signs. Refer to the section on Elements, Qualities and House Classifications. Cardinal/fire=Aries, fixed/earth=Taurus and so on. A predominance may not always exist. If it does, the result is a chart sub-signature indicating that the individual is very much like (or is learning to be like) the resulting sign in some way.

source: http://www.skyviewzone.com/astrology/chartreading.htm