Einladung zum Chakra Healing Workshop


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20. Dezember 2009
ich wollte ihnen einladen zum workshop über heilung und pendel benutzen.
hier ist die nachrichten:

Chakra Healing Workshop

Writer, healer and fine artist, Alejandro Villena, will be giving a "Chakra Healing and Dowsing Workshop" where he will introduce us to the developing of our latent healing and self healing capabilities, he will share also about how to become aware of these inherent abilities and how to awaken them.

He will also tell us about the invisible side of reality: the realm of energies and natural beings, the world of angels and demons. And at the same time, influenced by this invisible dimension, the human being, who is both a biological and energetic being, a real God in his world, with the capacity of manifesting the most sublime qualities through the divine spark which is in all of our hearts...

Main Topics
The Awakening of the Inner God
The Invisible and Visible World
Chakra´s Healing Basics
Using the Pendulum
The Chakra System and how they works
Looking in The Chakras for Imbalances and how to heal them
Looking at Geopathic places
Meditation works for protection, to healing, to connect with the world of the angels

Alejandro Villena
A fine artist, writer and healer. He learned in Bolivia.
After a strong spiritual experience he embarked on a journey of Healing and Art.
He describes his profound experiences with Angels and spirits of nature in his book "The Invisible World".
Currently he lives in Austria and travels across Europe giving workshops, healing and exhibiting his art.
His Exhibition, "The Andenkalender" (also a book), is dedicated to the theme of healing a well as finding and manifesting the Inner God.
He also provides healing to people who want to quit smoking and helps to resolve other spiritual problems.

Date: Sunday 17th January, 11 am

Duration: 6 hrs. Snack included.

Cost: € 100.-

Skype: farbe_1001

Blog and contact:
ich wollte ihnen einladen zum workshop über heilung und pendel benutzen.
hier ist die nachrichten:

Chakra Healing Workshop

Writer, healer and fine artist, Alejandro Villena, will be giving a "Chakra Healing and Dowsing Workshop" where he will introduce us to the developing of our latent healing and self healing capabilities, he will share also about how to become aware of these inherent abilities and how to awaken them.

He will also tell us about the invisible side of reality: the realm of energies and natural beings, the world of angels and demons. And at the same time, influenced by this invisible dimension, the human being, who is both a biological and energetic being, a real God in his world, with the capacity of manifesting the most sublime qualities through the divine spark which is in all of our hearts...

Main Topics
The Awakening of the Inner God
The Invisible and Visible World
Chakra´s Healing Basics
Using the Pendulum
The Chakra System and how they works
Looking in The Chakras for Imbalances and how to heal them
Looking at Geopathic places
Meditation works for protection, to healing, to connect with the world of the angels

Alejandro Villena
A fine artist, writer and healer. He learned in Bolivia.
After a strong spiritual experience he embarked on a journey of Healing and Art.
He describes his profound experiences with Angels and spirits of nature in his book "The Invisible World".
Currently he lives in Austria and travels across Europe giving workshops, healing and exhibiting his art.
His Exhibition, "The Andenkalender" (also a book), is dedicated to the theme of healing a well as finding and manifesting the Inner God.
He also provides healing to people who want to quit smoking and helps to resolve other spiritual problems.

Date: Sunday 17th January, 11 am

Duration: 6 hrs. Snack included.

Cost: € 100.-

Skype: farbe_1001

Blog and contact:

....was heisst Scharlatan eigentlich auf Englisch?
Engineer, is not intelligent prejudge without knowing...
sorry, are u intelligent?