don't know...



Now, what's pain, you don't know
You have to find out – to be able to see...

To see what?

How it feels without.

You think I don't know?

I know you don't...

I don't understand.

Did you ever?

Of course...

What do you know?

Why the sun sets.
And why it rises.

Do you really know why?

Of course...

Why did you get up in the morning?

What do you mean, 'why'?
I couldn't have stayed...

You could...

I had to go, had to get out.

To get out or to get up?

What do you mean?

You don't understand.

Did I ever?

I don't know.

What DO I know?

Why the sun sets.
And why it rises.

But do I really know why?
Why did I get up?
Why did I leave?

You had to.

I know.
