Hallo liebe Leute!
ich weiß nicht obs einige von euch interessiert(mich schon ) , aber, ich legs euch mal ans herz!
vielleicht sind ja die ein oder anderen "letztes einhorn" fans da?
der wundbare peter.s.beagle, benötigt dringendst hilfe!
der autor, der die wunderbare geschichte des "letzten einhorns" niederschrieb ist nun auf die hilfe seiner fans und freunde angewiesen.
es wurde geplant, das letzte einhorn zu verfilmen... und nun wird gerade ein riesen kampf um die filmrechte und um viel, viel geld ausgefochten. eine filmgesellschaft, schuldet peter beagle sehr viel geld und rückt es nicht raus. dies hindert alle das film-projekt durchzuführen und die rechte wiederzubekommen.
und das schlimmste daran ist einfach, das peter.s.beagle als erfinder bzw. erschaffer des letzten einhorns einfach ignoriert wurde und ihm sein wundervolles werk auf eine gewisse art und weise geklaut wurde.
ich bin ein fan von peter und möchte ihm irgendwie helfen....vorallem haben sie um eine weltweite verbreitung dieser geschichte gebeten!
aber, da ich eine schlechte übersetzerin bin, hier das ganze nochmal in englisch:
In the last two years, London-based Granada Media (a multibillion-dollar entertainment and news conglomerate) has sold over five hundred thousand DVDs and videotapes of THE LAST UNICORN. They've also made cable broadcast deals for it in several different countries, and they sold the live action remake rights for a quarter of a million dollars.
The film is based on Peter S. Beagle's famous book. He also wrote the screenplay. The film is as good as it is because he put everything he had into it.
And you know what? Granada Media refuses to pay Peter what they owe him. They've made millions on his creativity. They owe him hundreds of thousands of dollars. But they wont pay up.
In 1978, Peter wrote the screenplay for the animated LORD OF THE RINGS. It took draft after draft written under ferocious deadline pressure to make everything work. For all this effort, producer Saul Zaentz paid Peter a "consulting fee" of only $5,000.
The animated movie failed at the box office, but the power of Peter's script worked its magic on a young Peter Jackson, inspiring him to go read Tolkien's books. Where that led...well, we all know where that led.
But we dont all know that Saul Zaentz has gotten nearly two hundred million dollars out of his Tolkien rights since THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING was released. And we dont all know that the Saul Zaentz Company has so far refused to share any of that with Peter S. Beagle, not even as a goodwill gesture in respect for what his work made possible.
Adding insult to injury, when asked to do the right thing they claim they've never profited from owning the Tolkien rights.
On top of everything else, there are serious family matters going on. Rebecca Soyer Beagle, Peter's 100 year-old mother, is facing major medical bills and assisted living costs because her appointed trustee stole everything she had and left nothing to support her in her final years. Peter had to spend seven months and the last of his savings waging a legal battle to take over his mother's care. Only now that he's won, he has almost nothing left to take care of her with.
Hard as it may be to believe given the fame of THE LAST UNICORN and its worldwide legion of readers Peter has never been financially successful. Just like Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster with their creation SUPERMAN, Peter's lack of business sense has left him poor and struggling even as other people have made fortunes off his talent and hard work.
This victimization has been going on for decades. It has to stop. And it will stop, if we come together and do something about it!
My name is Connor Cochran. I became Peter's business manager four years ago, when I learned how badly he was being treated by publishers and studios. Together he and I have worked hard to change things for the better, and weve made some progress. But now the fight is entering a whole new phase. The people we're going up against have deep pockets. They dont think Peter will ever be able to put together the funds to sue them. They don't think he can ever make enough public noise about things to be worth bothering about.
You can change that.
genaueres hier: www.conlanpress.com/youcanhelp/index.html
wenn ihr euch für die neuesten news interessiert:
für die aufmerksamkeit!
liebe grüsse, emnija
ich weiß nicht obs einige von euch interessiert(mich schon ) , aber, ich legs euch mal ans herz!
vielleicht sind ja die ein oder anderen "letztes einhorn" fans da?
der wundbare peter.s.beagle, benötigt dringendst hilfe!
der autor, der die wunderbare geschichte des "letzten einhorns" niederschrieb ist nun auf die hilfe seiner fans und freunde angewiesen.
es wurde geplant, das letzte einhorn zu verfilmen... und nun wird gerade ein riesen kampf um die filmrechte und um viel, viel geld ausgefochten. eine filmgesellschaft, schuldet peter beagle sehr viel geld und rückt es nicht raus. dies hindert alle das film-projekt durchzuführen und die rechte wiederzubekommen.
und das schlimmste daran ist einfach, das peter.s.beagle als erfinder bzw. erschaffer des letzten einhorns einfach ignoriert wurde und ihm sein wundervolles werk auf eine gewisse art und weise geklaut wurde.
ich bin ein fan von peter und möchte ihm irgendwie helfen....vorallem haben sie um eine weltweite verbreitung dieser geschichte gebeten!
aber, da ich eine schlechte übersetzerin bin, hier das ganze nochmal in englisch:
In the last two years, London-based Granada Media (a multibillion-dollar entertainment and news conglomerate) has sold over five hundred thousand DVDs and videotapes of THE LAST UNICORN. They've also made cable broadcast deals for it in several different countries, and they sold the live action remake rights for a quarter of a million dollars.
The film is based on Peter S. Beagle's famous book. He also wrote the screenplay. The film is as good as it is because he put everything he had into it.
And you know what? Granada Media refuses to pay Peter what they owe him. They've made millions on his creativity. They owe him hundreds of thousands of dollars. But they wont pay up.
In 1978, Peter wrote the screenplay for the animated LORD OF THE RINGS. It took draft after draft written under ferocious deadline pressure to make everything work. For all this effort, producer Saul Zaentz paid Peter a "consulting fee" of only $5,000.
The animated movie failed at the box office, but the power of Peter's script worked its magic on a young Peter Jackson, inspiring him to go read Tolkien's books. Where that led...well, we all know where that led.
But we dont all know that Saul Zaentz has gotten nearly two hundred million dollars out of his Tolkien rights since THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING was released. And we dont all know that the Saul Zaentz Company has so far refused to share any of that with Peter S. Beagle, not even as a goodwill gesture in respect for what his work made possible.
Adding insult to injury, when asked to do the right thing they claim they've never profited from owning the Tolkien rights.
On top of everything else, there are serious family matters going on. Rebecca Soyer Beagle, Peter's 100 year-old mother, is facing major medical bills and assisted living costs because her appointed trustee stole everything she had and left nothing to support her in her final years. Peter had to spend seven months and the last of his savings waging a legal battle to take over his mother's care. Only now that he's won, he has almost nothing left to take care of her with.
Hard as it may be to believe given the fame of THE LAST UNICORN and its worldwide legion of readers Peter has never been financially successful. Just like Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster with their creation SUPERMAN, Peter's lack of business sense has left him poor and struggling even as other people have made fortunes off his talent and hard work.
This victimization has been going on for decades. It has to stop. And it will stop, if we come together and do something about it!
My name is Connor Cochran. I became Peter's business manager four years ago, when I learned how badly he was being treated by publishers and studios. Together he and I have worked hard to change things for the better, and weve made some progress. But now the fight is entering a whole new phase. The people we're going up against have deep pockets. They dont think Peter will ever be able to put together the funds to sue them. They don't think he can ever make enough public noise about things to be worth bothering about.
You can change that.
genaueres hier: www.conlanpress.com/youcanhelp/index.html
wenn ihr euch für die neuesten news interessiert:
für die aufmerksamkeit!
liebe grüsse, emnija