Britisches Verteidigungsministerium veröffentlicht geheime "UFO" Dokumente


25. Juni 2004
Hinter den Bergen
hallo alle,

vor kurzem hat das britische verteidigungsministerium ehemals geheime dokumente über UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena; die USA nennen es nicht UAP sondern UFO) veröffentlicht.

warum man so etwas veröffentlicht hat, darüber kann man nur spekulieren.
warum so etwas nirgends erwähnt wird (TV/radio), darüber kann man weiter spekulieren :D

interessant finde ich dabei:
phänomene wurden streng katalogisiert; der allgemeine tenor der offiziellen staatsorgane "ist doch alles schwachsinn" findet dort keinen anklang.

ich zitiere mal einen recht interessanten teil:

"Exotic technologies"
... A strict scientific line of approach has been taken, hence:

- Initially, it could not be discounted that an extraordinary (even extra-terrestrial) finding might account for some events. It was also clear that to arrive at such finding, that this could only be the result of technologies which encompass scientific and engineering attributes which are well beyond even the far-term aspirations of any aerospace industry on earth.
For example, attributes and abilities which allow a vehicle and any occupants to:

a) Carry out inter-planetary or possibly inter-galaxy travel.

b)Travel in the earths exo and high endo-atmosphere at hitherto impossibly high velocities compared with all current air vehicles, yet with the capability of "hovering" and possibly of landing and taking off again.

c) Move in the atmosphere with soundless or near-soundless motion, and in an aerodynamic manner which does not cause sonic-booms.

d) Possess manoeuvre capability which is significantly beyond our current capability and which certainly appears to be beyond that which it is believed humans might withstand.

e), f), g), i) lasse ich hier weg, die tipperei wird zuviel :)
im nächsten absatz werden mögliche antriebsarten besprochen wie anti-materie, gravitationsantrieb etc.

Materials and Structures
The properties of which to appear to be phenomenal. Velocities are reported which would require materials and construction which is beyond any known technology. In addition, they would require special cooling, shaping, layering/sandwiching which we do not currently possess (even if we had the capabilities to accelrate/propel/sustain at what appear to be phenomenal velocities).

An advanced understanding of at least the following technologies either beyond the level understood on earth, or capable of developments and exotic applications of:

- Superconductivity

ich habe bislang nur die ersten dokumente überflogen, da gibt´s ne ganze reihe von denen auf der seite.

es ist schon was anderes, wenn man solche themen besprochen hört von offiziellen staatsorganen und nicht von der "BILD"-zeitung.
