Hilferuf für Mala Spotted Eagle

Hallo Skara,

hab vielen lieben Dank für diese Zeilen, hoffen wir mal, dass seine Genesung gut voran schreiten darf, werde mein Mögliches dazu geben...

eine lichtvolle Zeit Dir, Orion7
Hallo ihr,

ich bin neu hier und habe gerade den Aufruf wg. Mala Spottet Eagle gelesen.
Ist das noch aktuell?

Mein Gefühl sagt mir, dass er selbst auch einiges tun kann und tun sollte um gesund zu werden.

Hat jemand direkten Kontakt mit ihm oder mit jemandem, der ihm das mitteilen könnte.

Meine Idee ist auch, dass er sich mal mit dem "Hintergrund" der Aura-Soma Quintessenz Hilarion intensiv (in seinem Leben) auseinandersetzen sollte.
Das könnte ihm evtl. helfen.


Habe wieder eine Nachricht mit News von Mala erhalten.

Hier mal die Original Nachricht.


We hope this update finds you surrounded by laughter and good people. At Nanish Shontie we are experiencing one of our longest springs in recent memory. We are still receiving much rain and have only warmed up a little. We are grateful for the rain as the nature needs it and we are also looking forward to when it will become sunnier. We have been very busy with the gardens and the greenhouse. Each year the gardens seem to get better and better. We are looking forward to more help coming in soon to help with the gardening and other projects.

Mala Spotted Eagle is doing better after his triple bypass operation. It is a healing journey on all levels not only for him but all of those around him and that care about him. The most important thing is to be grateful for this journey and to understand what it is trying to teach each one of us that are touched by it. Mala was recently invited to speak at one of the local Native American longhouses to seventy five students. It was only a half hour talk but it was well received. Mala is getting stronger as the days go by. We all send our grateful thanks for all those who sent prayers, healing energy and helped in many other ways.
One of the things that Nanish Shontie is doing this year is to have more workshops and gatherings here at Nanish Shontie. We have completed building more facilities to help us do this such as a bathhouse with two composting toilets, an outdoor kitchen, an expanded indoor kitchen, a thirty foot yurt more outdoor eating areas and a beautiful community center with a recording studio inside of it. There have also been many other positive changes at Nanish Shontie. One of the things that we are asking people is if there is a workshop that you would like to offer at Nanish Shontie this year, please contact Mala Spotted Eagle as he will be coordinating them. We have already had a number of offers but at this point still have plenty of room. We are looking for workshops that will help people in their lives taught by people who are doing it from their heart. We recently had a workshop at Nanish Shontie that was about honoring Mother Earth. We had Debra Martin from Horton Organics share about organic farming, Ross Olsen from Nanish Shontie share about organic composting. A Native American elder named Calvin Hecota lead a ceremony and also did some talking and Mala Spotted Eagle shared on our connection between Mother Earth and ourselves.

For the past four years Nanish Shontie has taken a group of people to a Native American gathering called the Canoe Journey. This is an incredible cultural and spiritual gathering where some of the people paddle for weeks from Alaska, Canada, Washington and Oregon in large canoes to a different place along the northwest coast of the United States or Canada each year. This year the canoes will gather at the Makah Indian reservation in the state of Washington, USA. Each year there is close to a hundred canoes and several thousand people greeting the canoes as they all arrive at the same time. There will be Native American protocol that will be experienced by those who attend. Each year that Nanish Shontie has traveled there, we have had between fifteen and twenty people with us. We will be leaving for the gathering early on July 18th and return around July 24th If you are interested in travelling with us, please contact us as we have already started a list of those who are coming with us. We have space left for about 10 more people to travel with us. If you want to drive your own vehicle and just caravan with us, you are also welcome to do this. Once you contact us, we can let you know what your cost will be to help on gas and food and what you need to bring. If you want to find out more information on the canoe journey, you can go to their web site, http://paddletomakah.org/ and receive much more information.

Nanish Shontie is 501(C) 3 nonprofit and any donation of any size is always greatly appreciated and needed. As a 501(C) 3 nonprofit organization, Nanish Shontie is recognized by the United States federal government as a charitable organization. Please look at our web site (www.nanish.org) or give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you in some way.

We hope that one day you will join us in sharing a prayer in your own way to be carried by the smoke in our daily sacred fire circle to the Creator that our Mother Earth may know that we haven't forgotten her, to pray for her continued healing and well being and to give thanks for what the Mother Earth provides for us every moment of our lives.

Zon Mea Noh (walk in a good way)

Hier nur das fettgedruckte übersetzt:

Mala Spotted Eagle geht es schon besser nach seiner dreifachen Bypass OP. Es ist eine Heilsame Reise auf allen Ebenen nicht nur für ihn sondern für alle die sich um ihn kümmern. Die wichtigste Sache ist allerdings , dass diese heilsame Reise uns alle ebenso dankbar und verständnisvoll macht.
Mala wurde vor kurzem eingeladen an einem der lokaleren Native Langhäuser vor 75 Studenten zu sprechen. Es war nur eine halbe Stunde aber es wurde sehr gut auf genommen. Mala wird immer stärker von Tag zu Tag. Wir senden alle unseren Dank für all diejenigen, die Gebete, heilende Energie schickten und auch die andere vielen Möglichkeiten zu helfen.

den Rest bitte ich euch selbst mittels einer Dolmetsch Maschine zu übersetzen, da es ziemlich viel ist.



Guten Abend

Ich habe heute wieder seit langer Zeit eine Nachricht von Nanish Shonti bekommen:
Mala Spotted Eagle is still on his healing journey which has taken long than expected due to some complications and setbacks. We all feel that his healing is headed in the right direction and we want to again thank all of you who have helped in the ways that felt right for you.

We would like to share a message that we received from one of the Native American Elders that we know.

Roger Thunderhands Gilbert ‎"Everyday is Christmas in Indian Country. Every meal is our Christmas. At every meal we offer thanks for the food we are eating, and we offer a small portion to the spirit world on behalf of the four legged, the winged ones, and the two legged. When we pray we thank the Grandfathers, Great Spirit, and Grandmother earth. Daily living is centered around the spirit of giving and walking the Red Road. Walking the Red Road means making everything you do a spiritual act. It doesn’t matter if it is Christmas or not. May there be peace on Earth, and may we all live in Unity.”

One of the workshops that we have scheduled is working together with a well known wilderness group out of Germany called Corvus, A number of them will be coming this summer to Nanish Shontie so that we can put on a workshop together with their knowledge and ours. We are already taking reservations for this workshop as it is limited to only 35 participants.More details will follow in another Nanish Shontie update.

Hier der übersetzte Teil über Mala:

Mala Spotted Eagle ist immer noch auf seiner Heil-Reise, die lange gedauert hat als erwartet aufgrund einiger Komplikationen und Rückschläge. Wir alle spüren, dass seine Heilung in die richtige Richtung geleitet wird und wir wollen uns wieder bei allen bedanken, die in der für sie richtigen Weise, geholfen haben.

Wir möchten eine Nachricht von einem Native Ältesten, die wir erhielten, mit euch teilen:

Roger Thunderhands Gilbert "Jeden Tag ist Weihnachten in Indian Country. Jede Mahlzeit ist unser Weihnachten. Bei jeder Mahlzeit beten wir, bedanken uns für die Lebensmittel, die wir essen, und wir bieten einen kleinen Teil in der geistige Welt im Namen der Vierbeiner, der Geflügelten und diejenigen, die beiden Beinen haben an. Wir beten zu, Großväter, Großer Geist, und die Mutter Erde. Alltagshilfen um den Geist des Gebens und Gehen der Red Road zentriert ist.“Walking the Red Road bedeutet, alles was du tust mach es zu einem spirituellen Akt. Es spielt keine Rolle, wenn es Weihnachten ist oder nicht. Möge Frieden auf Erden sein, und können wir alle leben in Einheit.

Die Nanish Shonti Gemeinschaft bieten gemeinsam mit Corvus Natur- und Wildnisschule im nächsten Jahr einen Workshop an. Dieser wird auf Deutsch und Englisch sein. Mehr dazu im nächsten Update.

In eigener Sache:

Wer sich für den Workshop interessiert - entweder bei Corvus Natur und Wildnischule/ Friedrichshafen oder bei Nanish Shontie .

Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr (Was immer das bringen möge)
