Alchemy of Life




ich bin grad auf eine meiner "Jugendsuenden" (ca. 10 Jahre her) gestossen- und dachte ich stell das jetzt hier mal rein :).

Liebe Gruesse,



Alchemy of Life


What does it take to destroy- to create?
One mind tracing back its origin.


Bright burning affection searching for flaming connection
fiery possession of mind and of soul.
Ashes of security
blown over the oval round
of some arena of my consciousness.

Fighters for fire- burning desire
turning to nothing but ashen rests.

Peace of mind lost forever- burnt down to the ground
of my love and my will to survive.
Destruction of hopes
dissolution of dreams.
Great goals always lying behind.

Fighters for fire- burning desire
turning to nothing but ashen rests.

Consumed by the flames without hope to be saved
slow dying ways out of my life.
In my heart creeping cold
substitution of all
that I ever had dreamt of before.

Fighters for fire- burning desire
turning to nothing but ashen rests.

Hope in ashes remains- ashen hope.


No mirrored image- a mind engraved in water,
a salty sea of life waiting to swallow
itself in the process-
the process of disintegration.

No shattered face- a restless philosopher's stone
thrown into oceans of tears and turmoil
that are taking away
all kind of form and fascination.

Shapes transforming to shades- and it means so much more
than a character turned upside down
in this melting vessel
of boiling insanity.


What if we assume
a message of fall
in every leaf
that is driven away
by the wind to an unknown direction?

Destination then found-
just to cover the ground
with a veil of delicate darkness-
dried energy in transition.

Rustling carpet of death.
A slow decomposition
of substance that was once
meant to bring life out of light.

Destiny thus found-
just to find out how nature
takes over, turns over the cover
in a movement of vivid creation.

Rustling carpet of life.
A slow decomposition
of substance that is just
meant to bring life into light.

And for one frozen moment
let us look at the image-
this incredible
wisdom of death and of change
might teach us a lesson.


Anima candida:
escaping the flames of reason-
growing out of that precious cocoon,
yet, one broken chain left behind.

Daring white soul:
now flying on crystal wings-
breathing the essence of life.
Her feathers delicately spread.

Restless spirit of strength:
reaching out for some silver horizon-
out of sight out of mind,
one single vague memory left.

Anima candida:
rising high to that fountain of life-
filled with joy, filled with fear.
A prodigal daughter back home:

Shining creature of love-
it is time to rejoice.


Single tears- successfully suppressed at first-
but soon those words appeared
and hurtful thoughts.
Thoughts never meant to kill or to do harm.

Small injuries must hide behind affection,
and yet so many scars ripped up-
continued cruelty.
One great accomplishment of self-destruction.

A slowly poisoned love.

I wake to find the dying body of this love
is giving birth to three more tortured lives-
a stinging pain felt in the center
of a heart, a mind, a soul.

And yet, I know, one tiny little spark
will glow forever in the darkness, deep inside-
just waiting to illuminate
my way back home.


Dark memories revive.

A precious veil of silken dreams
exposed to violent strength
of mind and man and misery-
fragility brought to an end.

Dark memories revive.

A half-created universe:
one resting spirit's soul
gives soil and sea and sanctity-
touched by celestial glow.

Dark memories revive.

A substance- breathing life- awakes:
aware of hidden means
of fight and fear and fallacy-
destruction of a dream.

Dark memories revive.

One half-forlorn identity
now torn between the fields
of hope, of healing harmony
and all-consuming guilt.

Dark memories revive.

A half-created universe
remains in every soul
with soil and sea and sanctity-
touched by celestial glow.

Dark memories revive.

A precious veil of silken dreams:
reminder of this strength
of man and mind in misery-
fragility brought to an end.

And memories survive.



Invisible caresses- touchable,
tangible- leading to a land
of incredible delight.

Soft and sensual kisses of beings belonging
together- so distant but so connected yet.


A spirit touching a soul-
a soul welcoming a spirit,
dissolution of borders- a body saved.

Two separated worlds merging in one
single moment of enlightened night.


Closing your eyes to see
a path in the darkness
of anxieties and doubts.

A guarding light showing a way to follow
so easy- so hard to comprehend